The Fancy Color Valuation Report (FCER)

The Fancy Color Valuation Report (FCER) provides an objective B2B valuation report to all trade members. We meticulously analyze and consider unique diamond characteristics not included in the GIA report, such as inner grade, color dispersion, undertone, general aesthetics, and clarity, and relate them to the current market price.

The valuation committee consists of industry experts and provides a value range report within 7-10 business days. The diamond owner’s identity remains anonymous throughout the process.


The Fancy Color Valuation Report

The Fancy Color Valuation Report provides an objective B2B valuation report to all trade members. We meticulously analyze and consider unique diamond characteristics not included in the GIA report, such as inner grade, color dispersion, undertone, general aesthetics, and clarity, and relate them to the current market price.

The valuation committee consists of industry experts and provides a value range report within 7-10 business days. The diamond owner’s identity remains anonymous throughout the process.

The growing need for reliable and objective valuations is driven by an increased demand for fancy color diamonds worldwide. The service is based on profound and broad industry knowledge based on real time B2B transactions.


The FCRF is the only organization that provides objective B2B valuation reports for fancy color diamonds by the industry’s leading experts.


Our clients include diamond traders, jewelry designers, professional appraisers, diamond investment companies, financial institutions, family offices, and more.


*B2B Only

Each fancy color diamond has a unique combination of characteristics, and each diamond is one of a kind. As such, identical examples for comparison are not possible, and similar examples may be misleading.

The FCRF’s valuation methodology is based on fancy color diamond parameters that are not addressed by the GIA report. We analyze the unique characteristics of a diamond, such as inner grade, color dispersion, undertone, depth, general aesthetics, clarity, provenance, brand premium, and more. Valuations refer to the exact current price of a diamond, or its price at a specific point in the past.

Once your valuation request is approved, the FCRF’s valuation committee will review the information on the diamond and issue a report, providing a value range.

The diamond owner’s identity remains anonymous to the committee at all times throughout the valuation process.

The valuation range will reflect a retail buying price* accompanied by a remark stating that a margin may be added to the diamond’s price when sold by a retailer as part of a piece of jewelry. The retail buying price refers to any independent business that sells finished jewelry as a luxury product to the end consumer. The valuation report will be sent via email within 7-10 business days.