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Auction Results: November 9th, 2022, Sotheby’s Geneva

By FCRF Team | 09.11.22
Auction Results: November 9th, 2022, Sotheby’s Geneva

Magnificent Jewels and Noble Jewels

Following our Pre-Auction Analysis: Sotheby’s Geneva- “Magnificent Jewels and Noble Jewels” please find the results below.

Lot Description Quality Remark Result $
266 1.90 ct, OS, F.V.G.Y, SI2 SI2, strong blue fluorescent. $30,348
292 5.01 ct, PS, F.O/P, VS2 - $153,329
293 3 Fancy Yellow, Radiant diamonds, 10.92 ct, VS1, 2.43 ct, VS2, 2.17 ct, VVS1 for 2.43 ct and 2.17 ct - poor dispersion. $11,550
295 10.89 ct, RS, F.Y, VVS2  Low dispersion and Inner-Grade $17,630
299 4.05 ct, EM, F.V.Y, VS2 - $44,236
331 4.47 ct, Rad, F.G.V, IF Low color Dispersion and low undertone. Didn't reach the minimum
333 2.75 ct, MQ, F.B, VS1 Poor color dispersion. $843,886
349 37.50 ct, PS, F.V.Y, VS1  - $65,159
354 2.03 ct, CU, F.V.P.P, VS1 Strong Blue fluorescent and 74% depth. $810,955
360 5.53 ct, CU, F.V.B, VS2 - Didn't reach the minimum

If you missed the pre-auction analysis, click here.




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