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Auction Results: March 7th, 2024, Sotheby’s New York

By FCRF Team | 07.03.24
Auction Results: March 7th, 2024, Sotheby’s New York

From The Vault: Exceptional Signed Jewels

Following our Pre-Auction Analysis:  Sotheby’s “From The Vault: Exceptional Signed Jewels please find the results below.

Lot Description Quality Remark Result $
18 13.23 ct, F.Y, Old mine-cut, VS1. $11,520 pc
40 41.02 ct, F.I.Y, Rad, VS2. $24,769 pc
118 Total of 55.26 ct, Ranging from F.V.Y to F.I.Y, BR, VVS1-SI2 & VS1. Withdrawn from auction
190 2.06 ct, L.G, Rad, SI1. $16,510 Total
191 3 ct, F.G/Y, Rad, SI2. $4,657 pc

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