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Auction Results: August 7th-17th, 2023, Christie’s, NY online

By FCRF Team | 28.08.23
Auction Results: August 7th-17th, 2023, Christie’s, NY online

Jewels Online: Summer Sparkle

Following our Pre-Auction Analysis:  Christie’s “Jewels Online: Summer Sparkle please find the results below.

Lot Description Quality Remark Result $
10 6.74 ct, F.Y, CRMB, SI1 $12,223 pc
12 3.04 ct, F.I.Y, CU, VS1 $7,046 pc
17 18.00 ct, F.P.B, CRMB, VVS2 $32,200 pc
23 51.75 ct, F.V.D, CU, VS1 $38,844 pc
30 10.03 ct, F.I.Y, CU, VVS1 $20,099 pc
31 10.26 ct, F.D.O/P, OV, IF $167,621 pc

If you missed the pre-auction analysis, click here.


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