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Auction Results: December 8th, 2021, Christie’s New York, Magnificent Jewels

By FCRF Team | 08.12.21
Auction Results: December 8th, 2021, Christie’s New York, Magnificent Jewels

Following our Pre-Auction Analysis: Christie’s New York, Magnificent Jewels, please find the results below.

Following our Pre-Auction Analysis: Christie’s New York, Magnificent Jewels, please find the results below.

Lot Description Quality Remark Result $
49 8.74 ct, Fancy Dark Gray-Blue, Emerald, IF Low dispersion $298,627
80 8.14 ct, Fancy Intense Yellow, Oval, SI1 Black crystal under the table $11,517
83 2.32 ct, Fancy Deep Yellow-Orange, Emerald, VS2 - $32,327
84 3.53 ct, Fancy Vivid Yellow, Round, VVS2 and 3.46 ct, Fancy Vivid Yellow, Round, VS1 - Didn't reach the minimum
85 70.19 ct, Fancy Vivid Yellow, Radiant, VS2 - $40,604
93 8.31 ct, Fancy Vivid Yellow, Emerald, VS1 Strong Blue Fluorescence Didn't reach the minimum
95 6.64 ct, Fancy Yellow, Radiant, VS1 and 6.00 ct, Fancy Yellow, Radiant, VVS2  - $8,405
96 A 5.38 ct, Fancy Vivid Orangey-Pink, Radiant, VS2 - $496,282
151 8.41 ct, Fancy Intense Yellow, Emerald, VVS1, potentially Internally Flawless - $22,294
154 5.35 ct, Fancy Intense Yellow, Radiant, VVS2 - $11,682
167 21.24 ct, Fancy Yellow, Old Mine  - $400,000 Total
168 44.12 ct, Fancy Intense Yellow, Cushion, VS1 - $25,158
170 7.00 ct, Fancy Blue, Pear, VS2 $312,857

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