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Auction Results: April 4th 2023, Sotheby’s HK

By FCRF Team | 04.04.23
Auction Results: April 4th 2023, Sotheby’s HK

Magnificent Jewels I

Following our Pre-Auction Analysis: Sotheby’s – “Magnificent Jewels I” please find the results below.

Lot Description Quality Remark Result $
1808 16.31 ct, F.Y, Rad Strong blue fluorescence, low inner-grade $9,920
1827 10.01 ct, F.I.Y, Rad, VVS1 $33,943
1828 6.1 ct total, comprised of 2 F.L.O/P, PS diamonds, 3.07 ct SI1, 3.03 ct VS2 Low compatibility $39,785
1829 5.11 ct, F.B/P, PS, VS1 $60,157
1837 8.08 ct, F.V.Y, EM, VS2 Low dispersion $60,071
1847 8.85 ct, F.D.Y, HS, VS1 $17,368
1852 11.88 ct, F.V.Y, Rad, IF $58,561
1853 5.49 ct, F.I.B, OV, IF Didn't reach the minimum
1884 5.85 ct, F.V.Y, Rad, IF $47,016
1886 36.25 ct, F.V.Y, CU, VVS2 $63,239
1892 22.02 ct total, comprised of 2 F.P, PS diamonds, 11.17 ct, VVS1 and 10.85, ct, VVS1 Low compatibility $279,112
1893 10.05 ct, F.V.P/P, CU, VS2 Withdrawn from auction

If you missed the pre-auction analysis, click here.


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