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A day at the Argyle mine

By The FCRF Team | 15.08.17
A day at the Argyle mine

A Day at the Argyle mine

A day at the Argyle mine

An exclusive visit at the underground excavations

In the year 2021 the last Argyle pink diamond will be unearthed, right before the underground crushers, conveyors, and trucks shutdown for the last time.

It will take 8 to 10 years to dismantle the enormous underground structure and the Argyle village around it. Once Rio Tinto returns the perforated landscape to Mother Nature, the place will be flooded, and a still lake will take the place of the lively village that never stopped unearthing soil, twenty-four hours a day.

The FCRF brings this rare footage, from thousands of miles away, just so that our members can have a glimpse at a place that produces these special red and pink diamonds, and is the only known source for pink melee… for only another four years.

In the near future, the FCRF will launch the Argyle rarity tool that will give our members the opportunity to quantify the Argyle tender stone’s rarity, in a way that hasn’t been done before.


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